4 equals .333

We are as shocked as all of you, we are sure. Really?!? Four months old already? I mean, we know it is true but it seems so unbelievable too. Interestingly, these “monthly update” posts are the hardest ones to write. What to include? What to leave out? Should things in previous posts be included again or not? We see him every day so some of the changes are more subtle to us but for the rest of you, snapshots of activity every few weeks can result in a big difference in what he can do from one post to another. Because of that we try to make sure we still include some of the more mundane progress type things just for a point of comparison.

Over the last month it has been more, but less, of the same. What I mean is for instance Half Calf still loves being outside but overall we have done less of it. He still likes social activities and is the life of the party (read: he does not sleep, he would rather be held and involved in all the activity, even when it is WAY past his bedtime). Another big plus for us is that he usually is waking up only once or sometimes twice a night so soon we will be able to get a full night of sleep (hopefully).

A quick list of the “firsts” for the month are Half Calf had his first repeat out of state visitor (Grandma came back from Ohio since she had not seen him since he was only a few days old), first vacation, first out of state trip, first airplane ride, first time traveling outside his own time zone (which was fun when we got up at 4am Texas time to fly back north), first time change (luckily, it was the weekend after Texas and the first week Momma was back to work fulltime so his schedule was already all screwed up when it happened), and first time to the gym (he went with Momma to a class, to mixed reviews; he is not a fan of letting Momma work out and not pay attention to him for an hour apparently).

One big improvement is his cradle cap. We have been dosing it with a lot of hydrocortisone multiple times a day and it has made a huge difference. However he seems to be developing a bit of eczema elsewhere so we have a new skin problem to deal with (of course). So far, it is not as bad and comes and goes depending on the bath and lotion schedule so the hope is that we can stay on top of it and keep it from getting worse.

The biggest change since last month is that Momma has also started back to work full time so Half Calf has started going to Daycare early in the morning, which means he has to get out of bed before he is really awake. As of this post it has only been a week but still, it is a pretty big scheduling adjustment for all of us.

Growth-wise, not much to report (again). Half Calf has gained about 8oz in the last month and maybe an inch. So we don’t think he is growing all that fast but apparently it is normal enough. However I think those 8+ foot estimates are no longer true based on the current data points.

Alright, thanks for sticking with us. Now for the part you all care about.

Plus there is a bonus: my first Video Upload!!!

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